Friday, April 09, 2010

Asher Keeps Running Away

We have a new problem with Asher. Sometimes he tells us bye, but most of the time he's just off to the races. Papa has proven time and time again that he can't work on a project unless Asher is helping. Inside we have to lock the screen door or out he goes. The temperature outside has no bearing in his decision to go out shoeless, diaper less, or maybe in the nude.

So what should we do? The one thing I told myself I would never use is the ugly airport leash. You've all seen it. The funny thing is now that I have a child that is constantly running away I no longer see it as a terrible device some government child rights agency should ban. I even saw one today in the hospital. How ironic since I haven't seen one of those in years.

I hate to even admit this but actually thought about the invisible fence for dogs. Yes, I thought about it once, laughed at the thought, and then thought about what if they had a child version. Now I'm going to get the your a terrible parent comments. So I thought about it once and then a little more. I'm not thinking about it now so give me a break!

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